Today we offer some books you might share with your kids.
Next, for a slightly older audience, we have Seven Brave Women
, by Betsy Hearne, illustrated by
Bethanne Andersen. Why is history so often taught using wars as markers? Here, Hearne offers seven women who lived at the time of one war or another, “but she did not fight in it.” Instead, these women demonstrate the courage to immigrate, to raise a family on a lonely farm, to enter a male-dominated career, to pursue dreams, to practice compassion; the generations of the narrator’s family and the artifacts each woman left as a talisman of courage are sure to spark conversation. For early primary grades.
Our final book recommendation today is, Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart
, a
story in poems and pictures by Vera Williams. Through poems, we learn that sisters Amber and Essie are on their own a bit too much, and have a bit too little to eat. Mother is working; Father is in prison. The emotional courage each inspires in the other is what helps them carry on, in spite of uncertainty. For readers up to 10 or 11.