Turning Blue
I recently shared this story over dinner at a restaurant with Lisa’s family, and my daughter’s delight at my absurdity and my fear was very…
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I recently shared this story over dinner at a restaurant with Lisa’s family, and my daughter’s delight at my absurdity and my fear was very…
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“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is…
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Here on the Lion’s Whiskers blog we have had much to say, recently, on the topic of moral courage and morality – how it is…
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I would have thought that one of the side effects of writing a blog about courage would be an increase in my own courage quotient. In fact,…
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Like many of you reading Lion’s Whiskers, both my kids started new schools this week. At my house, surprisingly little drama occurred in the days…
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Hurricane Irene headed my family’s way recently. Were we scared? No. Did we decide to cut short our RV vacation by one night in order to avoid…
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Last week I talked about The Dangerous Book for Boys. This week it’s the girls’ turn, with The Daring Book for Girls, a sister volume. Using the…
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When The Dangerous Book for Boys came out a few years ago, it caused quite a stir, buddying up to Harry Potter on the bestseller…
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One of my son’s favorite activities as a child was to climb trees. Any tree would do: spindly little Charlie Brown Christmas-type trees, grand dame…
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In the first year or so that my daughter, the Lovely K., was with me, she found phone conversations and leaving messages very challenging. She…
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