Courage Question of the Day – Lion's Whiskers A parenting coach and a children's book author discuss raising their kids to have courage for the challenges on the path ahead Tue, 03 Apr 2018 11:03:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Courage Question of the Day Fri, 03 Feb 2012 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]> Here at Lion’s Whiskers we are hoping to collect examples of physical courage.  To recap, here’s how we define physical courage:

Physical courage is the one type, from the Six Types of Courage, that most people think of first.  It is the type of courage that allows us to risk discomfort, injury, pain or even death—running into burning buildings as a firefighter, facing an enemy on the battlefield, undergoing chemotherapy, climbing a mountain, protecting a child from a dangerous animal.  We are right to be wary of pain: pain tells us where our boundaries and limits are.  However, sometimes there are things more important than pain, and our physical fear becomes a border to be crossed.  Physical fear is often blown entirely out of proportion: pain is often greater in anticipation than in fact, and that dread can become an insurmountable barrier.  Physical courage also involves recognizing that your body is how you participate in the world; keeping it healthy, strong, and resilient prepares you for all kinds of challenges, not just physical ones. 

Do you think it takes more physical courage to climb a mountain or battle an illness? Do you think it takes more courage to learn to sleep in the dark, take your first steps, or try diving off a diving board for the first time?  Do you notice a difference between your son and your daughter, in terms of how they define physical courage and what it looks like in their lives?

Can you remember a time that you or your child had to have physical courage?  Please post your thoughts or stories here. 

We would very much appreciate hearing from you! 


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Courage Question of the Day Fri, 18 Nov 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]>

Here at Lion’s Whiskers we are hoping to collect kids’ definitions for some of the values most commonly associated with moral courage

We would appreciate your help! 

Could you ask your children to define, in their own words, one or more of the following?  Please send us their age, first name (if you are comfortable), country, and what they understand these words to mean.   

  • Loyalty
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Responsibility
  • Fairness
  • Impartiality
  • Justice
You may be impressed, surprised, or even shocked by what your child has already learned, or not, about what these powerful words mean to them in their life.  We hope the discussion prompts new insights and hope you will share with us your learning!  Thanks for your help!  Send your responses to: [email protected]

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Courage Question of the Day Wed, 16 Nov 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]>

“Typically, the hero of the fairy tale achieves a domestic, microcosmic triumph, and the hero of myth a world-historical, macrocosmic triumph. Whereas the former—the youngest or despised child who becomes the master of extraordinary powers—prevails over his personal oppressors, the latter brings back from his adventure the means for the regeneration of his society as a whole.”

~ Joseph Campbell: The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Reflecting on the above distinction, have you found yourself or your kids more drawn to fairy tales or to myths?

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Courage Question of the Day Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]>

Lion’s Whiskers asks: What kind of street smarts have you taught your child?  What do you think is really important for your child to know in case of emergency? (i.e. how to dial your home, cell, or work phone number and/or 911 or text for help? how to pick a good stranger to ask for assistance or directions to your address? how to hail a cab, ride a bus/subway, or run for home? where their i.d. and emergency money is stored in their backpack? how to get into the house if they’ve forgotten their key? which neighbor is a good bet to ask for help? how to stay calm and assess a situation whilst generating the best solution?)

Share your advice, we want to hear from you?

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Courage Question of the Day Wed, 29 Jun 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]> Lion’s Whiskers asks: What is, or was, your favorite bedtime ritual with your children?  What helped enrich your parent-child connection: reading stories together (which ones?), singing a song, saying a prayer?  

We’d love to hear from you!

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Courage Question of the Day Wed, 08 Jun 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]> If you had an abundance of social courage, what would you do? Try out for American Idol? Host a theme party? Wear something you wouldn’t otherwise wear in public? Turn your front lawn into a wildflower meadow? Stop apologizing for your kids’ manners?

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Courage Question of the Day Mon, 06 Jun 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]>
Lion’s Whiskers asks: What life skills do you want to teach your child before he/she leaves home? 
For example: How to make fire…you never know when the Survivor producers may call? How to set the table and say “please” & “thank you”? How to raise money for a worthwhile cause and care about the planet they will inherit?  How to call 911?  How to use a knife in food preparation? How to wash laundry (without everything becoming grey), stain-remove, fold, and actually put it all away?  How to ride a bike or drive a car (safely)!?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Courage Question of the Day Wed, 11 May 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]> Lion’s Whiskers asks: How do you build trust in the parent-child relationship?  How do you know that you’ve shown your kids that they can trust you? (i.e. are you always on time, do you promise to tell the truth-the-whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth, do you apologize when you make a mistake?)

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Courage Question of the Day Wed, 04 May 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Lion’s Whiskers asks: Who was your favorite superhero when you were a kid?  Who is your child’s favorite?  Why?

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Courage Question of the Day Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:00:00 +0000 Read more...]]>

Lion’s Whiskers asks: What new learning will you push your child to try?  What particular courage challenge for your child, will you pull back from in order to allow them smaller baby steps forward? 

To read more about what we mean by “Discourage/Encourage: What’s a Parent to Do?” of coaching courage, click here.

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